Ann James Massey
Email: ajmassey@annjamesmassey.com
Mailing Address:
4, rue Auguste Chabrières
75015 Paris, France
Phone: (33)
Mobile: (33)
Please add 011 in front when dialing from the USA
Paris is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time
Left: Photo ©2015 G.S. Photography of El Paso
Studio Addresses:

By Appointment Only
La Fabrique, Atelier 2bis
2 rue Edouard Vasseur,
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France
Phone: (33)
Please add 011 in front when dialing from the USA
Paris is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time

By Appointment Only when Ann is in the US
Art Junction, Studio #29
500 West Paisano
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone: 1 (915) 757-7880
Check here for dates when Ann will be traveling to the US:
General Information:
Born: 1951, Evanston, Illinois USA
Parents: Fred K. (RIP 2001) and Imogen Moore James (RIP 2018)
Siblings: Frank Thomas James (RIP 2023), Paul Alan James, Keith Bennion James (RIP 2024), Susan James Niehans
Worked under names: Ann James, until 1974
Ann James Zotz, 1974 – 1989
Ann James Massey, 1990 – present